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Spring Pest Prevention

With the extremely cold and long winter you would have thought all the insects and spiders would have frozen to death. That is not the case. With the warmer weather the bugs have been coming out in full force. No one wants to start their spring being invaded by insects so this is a great time to prepare your home for pest prevention. A thorough spring cleaning and pest control program is the best defense against preventing pests from entering your home.

Most pest control specialists will agree that having a clutter free environment will also protect your home from common spring bugs. Many people have been having box elder bugs, wasps, flies, ants and stink bugs invading their homes with the warmer weather. Insects are actively looking for a warm, moist place to raise their families. Making your home unattractive to these pests will be in your best interest.

Here are 8 tips for pest prevention

  1. Clean out your closets and remove items of clothing that will not be used

  2. Clean out window screens, but replace them if they are already damaged

  3. Get rid of boxes, old newspapers, cans, and the likes

  4. If an item is worth saving, make sure to protect it against humidity and dust

  5. Search outside your house foundation for any cracks and holes and seal them

  6. Look for signs of any wood damage and make necessary action to fix it

  7. Fix leaky faucets indoors and downspout outdoors

  8. Make sure to remove any food sources pests are attracted to

Protect your home from pest damage and ask us about our residential pest control service.

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