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"People may forget what you said or did but not how you make them feel"

"Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark" This is one of my favorite quotes by Jay Danzie and the Xtreme Team works really hard to live by this quote.

Have you ever been to a business when someone was less than pleasant, maybe the service wasn't what you expected or the owner/employee just didn't act like they wanted you around? I have experienced this and tried hard not to let it affect my feeling of the whole business and to be honest its really hard. Unfortunately that experience tends to stick with me. On the other hand I have been in businesses and left with such a positive feeling that I want everyone I know to have that same experience. I love referring business. Referring a business to your friends and family is the highest compliment that you can give that business.

I don't believe in bad-mouthing because it could become very detrimental to that business. The owner may not know that their employee acted that way or the service wasn't up to par so bad-mouthing the actual business doesn't seem fair to me. As a business owner I respect people that will talk with me about any issues they may have and also as a business owner I will talk to the owner of a business and tell them about the experience that I have had (whether it be good or bad). As a customer I have deep respect for a business owner or employee that apologizes for a bad experience. This usually erases all bad feelings I have had about the business.

I hope this doesn't sound negative because that definitely wasn't my intention. I deal with more good experiences than bad in our awesome local area. On a positive note, if you have good experiences let the owners know. It makes me so happy to talk to a business owner and let them know how great their employees are or how awesome their customer service was. I love hearing from our customers about our amazing team and the great experiences that they have had.

Having a business isn't always sunshine and roses but treating people how you would want to be treated is so important to the success of business.

My greatest hope is that your experience with Xtreme Weed & Pest Solutions is always positive!!

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